Virtual Event | 22 - 26 November 2021
Conference registration fees
*proof of registration will be required
The purpose of this conference is to facilitate robust debate and discussion regarding fundamental and urgent questions for the scholarship of teaching and learning beyond the Covid-19 pandemic. Since a face-to-face conference was not possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the organising committee outsourced a conferencing platform to better facilitate the SOTL in the South conference online for 2021.
While we have attempted to keep conference fees as low as possible, it is necessary to charge these fees in order to fund the outsourced conferencing platform. In addition, should we attract more conference registrants than we anticipate – and the conference generates additional funds – these funds will be used to fund the SOTL in the South journal, a fully open-access (for both authors and readers) DOAJ-listed journal, allowing us to continue to operate this journal without charging page fees or readership fees.